Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happiness Project: Day 11/21

This little assignment is definitely supposed to be almost finished, but whatever. I'm an unemployed traveler and don't have a steady stream of wifi anymore! 

1. FUNployment. Can I just say that after spending the last year waking up no later than 5:45AM on weekdays, waking up at 9AM is glorious. Freaking. GLORIOUS. In addition to getting enough sleep, the boyfriend and I are acting more and more like semi-decent human beings. Be our friends? Also, I've committed to making this period the time when I live in the present. I'm always planning, and not living. So here we go. 

2. Peach Air. Uh, Peach and I would be BFFs if I were going to stay in SE Asia. Decent schedules. Affordable. Generally on-time. Yes. Please. We booked our flights leaving on a Saturday and coming back on a Friday (Incheon-Osaka) for under $400 RT together. It's less than 90 minutes up in the air and then BAM, you're in a wonderful country. Speaking of...

3. Japan. My people. Half people? Sort of. This is our second trip to Osaka this year (the first adventure was in the midst of April, another beautiful time), and we have been looking forward to it for months. Needless to say, Japan has not disappointed us so far! Thankfully, our gracious host Rose isn't working this weekend, so we spent the weekend traveling around Osaka and KOBE, but I'll save that for another post. 

Off to bed. Kyoto in the morning x

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