Friday, February 28, 2014

Look What I Found in My Locker

Happy Friday to me! x

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

KTO K-Performance Supporter!

Exciting news!!

My mother has continued to hound me about not wasting my time here in Korea. 

Learn the language, she suggests. 

Embrace the culture, she says. 

Don't just sit on your bum, take naps, and practically live at Pagoda, she insists.

So. Here you go, mother dearest! I applied for and was chosen to participate in the Korean Tourism Organization's fairly new program for foreigners that is used as a means to share Korean history and culture internationally. As a K-Performance Supporter, we are given first dibs on loads of events nationwide, with most of them being in Seoul. I was a part of this program during my first year in Korea (posts can be found here and here), which was actually the program's first year too! Fancy that.

Looking forward to dragging bringing the boyfriend to some of the events too! x

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Romance Innit

Always thankful for a mid-week reminder of how lovely my boyfriend is x

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pagoda Academy: Upcoming Film Stars

Guess who the new faces of Pagoda Academy are. 

We were recruited through the Senior Trainer of Pagoda Academy to be the talent for the new student placement videos, which meant getting dolled up and spending a Saturday morning in front of a camera and crew. Not too shabby.

Just a few photos of us getting our Korean cosmetics put on (aka we became super pale) and showing off our acting chops. 

And, I know what you're going to say. We are pretty damn good-looking.