After working nine hours a day on average with no nap in between my split shifts, familial issues and trying to have some semblance of a personal life, I'm ready for 2013 to be over.
Cash Money
I would still much rather be at Pagoda than another academy, but, for one reason or another, this month was tough.
My December schedule consisted of SLE Advanced classes and a PIP (work/study abroad) course. Other teachers had warned me about the advanced classes—the students can be a handful, arrogant and full of themselves. However, aside from a select few, most of them were great. But. Those few. Even though my classes are over, I can still not-so-fondly picture them. News flash: just because you are at an 'advanced' level of English, does not mean that you can be outright disrespectful, condescending or a downright dick to others. Your English capability doesn't give you a free pass to be an asshole.
Not that this wasn't true in the old building also, but the teachers room is a negative environment. Don't get me wrong; I'm definitely glad that we have one. But um…if it's just used for venting frustrations and ranting about some issue or another, it just breeds more negativity. Rob and I have gone with the idea that it's better to not get involved. If it doesn't involve ourselves or our paychecks, mehhh.
Okay. Enough about work. Don't I just sound like I'm complaining? I'm not. I like working there. I just need more sleep!
Emotional. Draining. Disconnectedness. Laughter. Closeness. Home for the holidays.
I have been shite at this one recently. I've been taking my anger out on the boyfriend and not keeping up with my friends as much as I should be and want to be. How are some people still decent human beings when they're sleep-deprived? Share your wisdom.
And it's -10 in Korea. Brrr. Give me cuddles.